Welcome to

Dream Odyssey

Virtual Reality journeys and meditations with TRIPP*

*TRIPP.com Find out more here.

Experience the unique and awe-inspiring landscapes and audios developed by TRIPP*

The Soul Spa is proud to be the first space the bring TRIPP journeys to the public

Expand your reality

Pause the mind chatter, calm the mind, and fully immerse yourself in a state of deep relaxation.

Transport yourself anywhere.

TRIPP has compiled hours of meditations, sound frequencies, nature sounds, music and teachings  with beautiful animations

Put on your VR headset and step into this digital realm, you are instantly transported to a different world. Whether you choose to be on a tranquil beach at sunset, deep in a forest surrounded by towering trees, or even floating in space among the stars, there are so many possibilities to choose from! The very act of putting on the headset begins the process of disconnecting from the external world and immersing yourself in a new, peaceful reality.

Why not try one of our incredible Guided Relaxation and Sound Bath Experiences